Sunday, January 31, 2010

IF Focus

This vintage TV needs focus. Guess we should get a 52" flat screen high def...oh yeah.

I'm so swamped lately that this entry for Illustration Friday's word of the week "focus" is another quick and dirty. :( Hopefully next week things will have calmed down a bit. again

This is one of four personal pizzas my son had me make for him and his friends. Apparently the guys really like them...ahahaha They're teenage boys so they're never full.

One of the gifts my husband bought me for Christmas was a breadmaker so I could make the bread dough faster for pizzas, pretzels, etc ahahaha. At first I thought it was such a time saver but with teen boys my poor machine might not last 6 months LOL

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

IF: Clumsy

This little guy I did sometime ago for a comic strip. He's a quick-n-dirty but I thought it fit with this week's Illustration Friday word, "clumsy."

Monday, January 18, 2010

IF Wilderness

It's good to be back and hopefully on track. Life sometimes has a way of bombarding you, but as they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

When I was younger I used to grab a book and trek through the forest at the back of my parent's cottage. I'd sit and read for hours. Just being there was very soothing to the soul.

This is my entry for Illustration Friday---Wilderness.


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